We got it! We have breeding ruffs in Poland!
After 7 years when a disturbed female was observed, and after more than 20 years since the last direct breeding sightings!
A female ruff with chicks was found on 18 June by our colleagues from the Dubelt Nature Society Paweł Białomyzy and Tomek Tumiel as part of the nest success monitoring. The second disturbed female (simultaneous finding of two alarming females) was observed on June 29 by Michal Korniluk. We are pleased that our efforts to restore the habitat of the waders have had such a surprising effect. On the surface, where the black-tailed godwits, great snipes, lapwings and redshanks breed, we now also have the long-awaited ruffs!
In the photo with the young ruff, lapwing chicks. Side by side they exist in unison.
And a bird meadow.