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Habitat conservation

New areas for the great snipes

27 luty 2014

www-dzialki-ZawykiEveryone would agree that managing one's own land is much more effective than handling other peoples' plots. What is more, we can be sure that purchased land will be employed exclusively for the purposes of environmental protection, what is also guaranteed by appropriate notes in the notarial deeds. For this reason, a very important action which we have planned within the scope of the project is to purchase 160 ha of land in the vicinity of the great snipes' lekking sites. Since September 2012 we have managed to buy over 117 ha. This area encompasses 104 plots, meaning that an average plot had an area of 1.125 ha. The smallest plots had the area of the order of 0.1 ha, and the largest one – 27.02 ha. This demonstrates how important is the fragmentation of properties in the Upper Narew River Valley, particularly visible in the neighborhood of the villages of Zawyki, as well as Samułki Małe and Duże (see the attached map). Besides, this region represents a completely new area for PTOP, as until now we haven't owned any land there. Plots purchased in this neighborhood form a kind of leaven, a nucleation site around which we are planning to aggregate areas, in order to be able to manage them freely in the future, taking into consideration only the interests of the environment, just as it is the case of the Trześcianka area. Here, consequent land purchases taking place for multiple years give us the freedom to scythe vast areas, construct fords, renovate access roads and form habitats for great snipes within the scope of the present project.

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