woj. podlaskie
woj. warmińsko-mazurskie
Publications to download after clicking the publication icon
We invite you to download the pdf files of scientific papers based on data gained during project implementation:
The first observation of obligate saproxylic chafer larvae inside white stork Ciconia ciconia nest.pdf
Foraging efficiency of white stork Ciconia ciconia significantly increases in pastures containing cows.pdf
Biological and physicochemical properties of the nests of White Stork Ciconia ciconia reveal soil entirely formed, modified and maintained by birds.pdf
Efektywna metoda ograniczania śmiertelności ptaków o dużych rozmiarach ciała na liniach napowietrznych SN.pdf
Below are the links to papers available online:
Whitewashing improves relocated nest occupancy in the white stork: An experimental test of public information
Mass of white stork nests predicted from their size: Online calculator and implications for conservation