High-voltage lines safe for birds! (task C.2)
These objects pose a huge threat to birds, especially in areas where birds travel intensively during migration. To increase the visibility of wires, colorful markers with reflectors were suspended on the highest, lightning protection line using a drone; the markers whirl freely in the wind. The first line, over 700 m long, running over the Narew River near the village of Ruś, was secured in 2018. Before and after the suspension of markers, we monitored the effectiveness of protection (using a radar); the results indicate that birds flying through the valley in large flocks, such as ruffs, notice the wires and change their flight path once the markers are installed. By now, three more sections have been secured: (1) Biebrza Valley near Sztabin and (2) Osowiec, and (3) Narew River Valley near the village of Narew.
Task C.2 was performed in cooperation with PGE Dystrybucja S.A. Białystok Branch and the Biebrza National Park