Security of power engineering devices (task C.2)
It is pleasant to be a part of creating something that works and makes the world a better place. One of the greatest dangers for the white stork is death as a result of an electric shock after contact with power lines. We tried to find a method to counteract this, sadly - to no avail. No one offered, nor had a solution that would satisfy us. Strange, taking the scale of storks’ mortal electric shocks into consideration. At last, we used all of our knowledge of these birds and in consultation with the specialists from the electric industry, we managed to create a prototype of a device, which as you can see in the picture enclosed, works perfectly. It was installed thanks to our recommendation and A Chance for The Stork Association’s (Stowarzyszenie Szansa dla Bociana) Kamil Piwowarczyk’s persistence, on a few disconnectors, which have been causing mortal electric shocks, around his rehabilitation centre. If not for our device, this stork would have been dead. Soon, 270 most dangerous devices in north-east Poland will be secured by the PTOP, within our project “Protection of the white stork in the river valleys of eastern Poland” LIFE15 NAT/PL/000728 in cooperation with the PGE S.A. Białystok Branch, to protect storks. And to make the world a better place. Photos: Kamil Piwowarczyk