A guide to the protection of the white stork (task E.1)
When writing the project for the protection of the white stork for the LIFE fund, we decided that an extremely important action that needs to be included in its framework, is training a wide group of stakeholders, consisting of employees of local governments, energy companies, veterinarians, members of volunteer fire brigades, ornithologists, i.e. people who in their work encounter problems connected with this species every day. In order for the knowledge gained at these meetings not to be forgotten, and that it could also reach a wider audience, we made a decision that it should be perpetuated, and the best solution for this is to create a handbook containing all the most important issues. Imagine our surprise when it turned out that such a study already exists! It was created in 2012 by our friends from the Wildlife Society "Stork". Then, why reinvent the wheel. We asked them if it were possible to complete and reprint the study, as it seemed to us the most appropriate and natural solution. We obtained consent, for which we are extremely grateful and we would like to extend our thanks to them.
The handbook, available on the project website in the tab PUBLICATIONS, is a well-written compendium of knowledge, created by experienced specialists: ornithologists, officials and veterinarians, who often combine these professions. This guarantees that the presented topics are widely analysed and contain a set of best practices. Here, you will find everything that thus far required painstaking research in literature, the Internet, or the need to reach a specialist in a given field - from the construction of a nesting platform, through helping the injured and sick birds, legal issues, to wintering storks.
The LIFE project team
The Polish Society for Bird Protection